
“Idle hands are
the devil’s workshop.”

February 2024

Perhaps you remember this common phrase. When you combine its idea with the time kids have after school, before hard-working parents get home in the early evening, you can grasp the stakes EPIC faces in our task to build character in the youth within our sphere of influence. We rely on partners like you to aid us in providing a safe place and positive experiences to turn idle time into productive time. Our framework for building character is the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated


Let me tell you about Kevin (not his real name). This 10 year old learned to swim through the generosity of the YMCA’s scholarship programs. EPIC provided the transportation to and from lessons. We appreciated the dedication Kevin showed in being on time and prepared for each lesson and the progress he made. With donor funds, EPIC paid for him to join the YMCA Swim Team. In his read more...

Partnering is the key to our ability to do this transformational work. CPC ‘s mission support andvolunteers make it possible. For example: On Thursday evenings, retired teachers and CPCvolunteers, Brook Sturtevant is running an Everyday Leadership class for Westview teens, while hiswife Sue, is read more...


The Girl Scout Law includes Respect yourself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely,make the world a better place and be a sister to every Girl Scout. That’s certainly a challenge for ourgirls, 1st through 5 th grades, in both Westview and Cabrillo Village. Joann Yabrof, a former Girl Scoutherself, loves working with these girls doing cookie sale inspired activities, goal setting, needs vswants, making wise choices and financial literacy, all in an effort to promote a strong moral andethical future. A field trip to Camino Real Park topped off a study of the migration and life cycle ofmonarch butterflies and an interactive sharing of fun facts about them. Taking action by planting milkweed for monarch preservation was also among their activities. They read more...

Dr. Jim Cole, child psychologist, has over 40 years of experience working in the Oxnard community. Jim meets with parents bi-monthly in the Westview Parent Support group. This month we are focusing on equity in supporting each other. In our last meeting we dealt with the importance of keeping kids busy with helpful support after school. For example, we brainstorm read more...


We fill the days when school is not is session with excursions and themed camps, outdoor games, board games and exercise, offering fun and creative alternatives to unsupervised screen-heavy days.


Families peaceful collaborate uplift invest, citizen-centered because segmentation. Entrepreneur, deep dive triple bottom line data social intrapreneurship equal opportunity leverage innovate living a fully ethical life. Data save the world changemaker because rubric co-create. Bandwidth scalable read more...

As I mentioned in the beginning, our mission is to instill and reinforce positive character traits in all the activities that we provide and to widen the experiences of students so that they know how vast their choices can be in life and how the only way to achieve success is through hard work and read more...


February 26, 2024

EPIC is fortunate to have Kate leading our program at Westview Village. She works tirelessly to build community, engage youth and instil the value showing good character in all apects of living.


EPIC Leadership Center  Summer Program Needs Volunteers

June 14, 2023

EPIC Leadership Center, a non-profit organization, is starting its Summer Program in Westview Village, Ventura.Founded by Christine Wood, DMin about 15 years ago, the EPIC Leadership Center embarked on a mission to transform the lives of families in low income, higher risk neighborhoods in Ventur read more...


EPIC Leadership Center Summer Program

August 23, 2023
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Claudia Wilson leading the canvas mark-making project.

EPIC Leadership Center, a non-profit organization in Ventura, completed its Summer Program in Westview Village, Ventura. Activities led by EPIC staff and supported by local volunteers were held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at the Westview Village Community Center. The activities incl read more...


EPIC Leadership Center Fall Program

November 29, 2023

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After a small break from completion of the summer program, EPIC Leadership Center has started its after-school program at Westview Village. The fall after-school program, developed and overseen by EPIC’s Kate Simonson, Westview’s resident Program Director, includes Art (Creative Mondays), Characte read more...


December 2023

The focus in 2023 has been fundraising, programming, increasing EPIC's volunteer pool, and operations.Several organizational changes have been implemented focused on operational improvements andprogramming at the Westview Village community. Although our focus is currently on the WestviewCommuni read more...


Winter 2023


Winter 2023


Summer 2021

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